Tag: Duke Energy

1.25 million Floridians face electric disconnection by utilities

Investor-owned utilities have begun to resume the disconnection process, are opposed to shutoff moratorium petition before the PSC next week

/ October 2, 2020

Pollution Payday: Analysis of executive compensation and incentives of the largest U.S. investor-owned utilities

While the coronavirus pandemic has devastated the U.S. economy, leaving millions of Americans struggling to afford their utility bills, the top executives for those utilities continue breaking their own records...

/ September 22, 2020
Lawrence McClure

Utility Front Group Sparks Attack on Florida Rooftop Solar Amid Ongoing COVID Crisis

Attack led by Florida legislator who has accepted over $20,000 from utilities in political contributions

/ September 11, 2020

Bill Seitz’s FirstEnergy bailout bill is one target of a subpoena

Records show Rep. Bill Seitz, the third-ranking Republican in the Ohio House, worked with FirstEnergy to draft a nuclear power plant bailout bill that’s now the subject of a federal...

/ September 9, 2020

Who is behind anti-regional transmission organization ads in the Southeast?

Google ads appear as Duke Energy, Southern Company advocate for more limited regional exchange, and following anti-RTO Facebook ads from dark money group

/ August 18, 2020
Florida PSC Don Polmann

Candidates Vie for Influential Florida Public Service Commission Seat

Three state legislator applicants have each accepted thousands in utility political contributions and voted in favor of utility-friendly legislation.

/ August 5, 2020
Utility Corruption

FirstEnergy scandal is latest example of utility corruption, deceit

Utilities have deceived public officials and investors to grow profits, occasionally leading to criminal investigations and prosecution.

/ July 23, 2020

North Carolina utilities not reconnecting customers during COVID-19 pandemic

Thousands remain without electricity, gas, or water during crisis

/ May 12, 2020

Duke Energy Climate Report charts fossil fuel-laden path to net-zero, lagging behind peers

Key Points: Duke Energy released a new climate report describing potential pathways to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Its main scenario relies heavily on fossil gas expansion, offsets, and...

/ May 5, 2020
A PG&E smart meter. Utilities are unevenly applying late fees and reconnecting customers who had been disconnected before pandemic crisis

Caught in patchwork of policies and pledges, some utility customers may still be awaiting electricity restoration or racking up fees

A mosaic of state policies and voluntary pledges has meant that the effects of missing a utility payment are playing out unevenly across the country.

/ April 14, 2020