Category: Arizona Public Service
Republican candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission position themselves in favor of utility rate increase, against clean energy standards
Voters will decide on the three seats at the ACC this November
Charities and groups funded or connected to APS filed comments in support of its $460 million rate hike request
Over 2,000 people submitted comments to the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) throughout Arizona Public Services’ (APS) rate case application, with many expressing frustration and anger with the utility’s proposed $460...
Latest campaign reports show Arizona utilities funding GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake
The political action committees for Southwest Gas and Pinnacle West, Arizona Public Service’s parent company, have maxed out their contribution limits to Kari Lake, Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial candidate, according to...
Utilities that support Inflation Reduction Act are members of trade groups attacking it
Utilities have said climate bill would be good for them and their customers, but some of their trade groups like the Chamber of Commerce and NAM are trying to kill...
Arizona regulator investigation unveils Arizona Public Service Company’s political spending
An inquiry by Arizona Corporation Commissioner Sandra Kennedy has revealed new details about the political spending of the state’s largest electric utility, Arizona Public Service Company. Kennedy’s inquiry provides an...
Pollution Payday: Analysis of executive compensation and incentives of the largest U.S. investor-owned utilities
Download full report Arizona Public Service (Pinnacle West) Arizona Public Service Company (APS) is an Arizona-based electric utility. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pinnacle West, and provides “essentially all”...
Arizona Public Service announces 100% clean energy goal, saying it will “eliminate all fossil fuels”
Arizona’s largest investor-owned utility announced today that it will close its coal plants and increase its use of renewable energy over the next decade, ultimately aiming for 100% clean energy...
Growing number of elected Democrats in Arizona won’t take money from APS
A growing number of elected Democrats in Arizona say they won’t accept campaign funding from Arizona Public Service, the utility that has come under fire for its massive spending on...
Strings Attached: How utilities use charitable giving to influence politics and increase investor profits
Download full report Arizona Public Service Arizona Public Service Company sells electricity to 1.2 million customers in Arizona. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pinnacle West, and provides “essentially...
Pinnacle West misleads investors that APS has “surpassed the Paris Agreement”
Arizona Public Service Company has not set a goal to decarbonize – or even to reduce total carbon emissions.