Category: American Legislative Exchange Council

Follow the money behind attacks on clean energy in Ohio

December 28, 2016 update: Republican Governor John Kasich has vetoed legislation – HB 554 – that would have effectively extended the freeze on Ohio’s clean energy standards for another two years...

/ December 6, 2016

Does Dominion support using Thomas Jefferson’s name to spread climate denial?

This relationship between a lobbyist for one of the nation’s largest utilities and an aggressive purveyor of attacks on climate science and policies warrants much deeper scrutiny than it has...

/ August 29, 2016

Edison Electric Institute’s Anti-Solar, PR Spending Revealed

Over the past couple of decades, special interests from the coal, oil, utilities, and other energy industries have routinely used lobbying, public relations, and other means to impact decisions that...

/ January 21, 2015

Coloradans Urge Governor Hickenlooper Not to Swear In Glen Vaad to Utility Commission

Glenn Vaad received an American Legislative Exchange Council “State Legislator of the Year” Award in 2012.

/ January 7, 2014

Utility Interests Threaten Future of Renewable Energy in Colorado via Public Utility Commission (PUC) Appointment of Glenn Vaad

In Colorado, alarm and concern is quickly spreading with revelations that Glenn Vaad, appointed by Governor Hickenlooper as one of three Public Utilities Commissioners, is also a former high ranking...

/ January 2, 2014

The Campaign Against Net Metering: ALEC and Utility Interests’ Next Attack on Clean Energy Surfaces in Arizona

APS appears to be leading the first assault of a national campaign by the utility industry trade association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), and fossil fuel interests like APS, to weaken...

/ November 18, 2013

Q&A: ALEC’s new tactics to weaken renewable laws

This Q&A originally appeared in Midwest Energy News.  By Kari Lydersen Though bills meant to revoke or undercut renewable standards in numerous states failed last session, clean energy advocates say the model Market...

/ August 13, 2013

After Fossil Fuel Front Group Attacks on Clean Energy Fail, New Model Bill Emerges to Weaken RPS Laws

Members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), including fossil fuel corporations and front groups, will meet in Chicago this week to discuss their next round of attacks on clean...

/ August 5, 2013

ALEC’s Most Wanted: Exposing a front group for fossil fuel interests (and other corporations)

The Center for Media and Democracy’s (CMD) Brendan Fischer and Nick Surgey uncovered an internal document from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) at the controversial organization’s meeting last week...

/ May 10, 2013

The Maine Players Attacking Renewable Energy: The Koch Brothers

In a new report, the Maine Conservation Alliance asks: are we debating renewable energy, or the Koch brothers’ profits?” Maine’s renewable energy standards have been the prime target of the Koch...

/ May 3, 2013