Category: Featured
Featured stories feature some of the best interviews and content on our site.
EEI used anti-clean energy campaigns as role models in political boot camp for utility execs
EEI's boot camp held up two companies as case studies - FirstEnergy and APS - despite both having become paragons of utility corruption.
Ohio corruption scandal hits Energy Harbor bankruptcy case
Updated on August 18, 2020: The judge in Energy Harbor’s bankruptcy case will take another three months to consider final approval of fees and expenses for the utility’s outside firms,...
LIVE: Utilities that have and have not suspended disconnects amid COVID-19
EPI is tracking the states that have binding protections against electricity disconnections and when the protections expire.
Report details utilities’ use of charitable giving to influence politics
Utilities' charitable giving a massive part of their political operations, used to manipulate support from low-income communities and communities of color.