Tag: Arizona Public Service

Follow the money: Pinnacle West-funded groups undermining renewable energy efforts in Arizona

According to Arizona campaign finance quarterly reports that were filed last month, Arizona Public Service’s parent company, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, contributed $1.18 million to Arizonans for Affordable Electricity, a political action...

/ May 2, 2018

Lawmakers behind legislation to help Arizona Public Service have now filed a complaint against the renewable energy ballot campaign

Two state legislators that have sponsored and introduced bills to help Arizona’s largest utility, Arizona Public Service, recently filed a complaint against the committee working to increase the state’s renewable...

/ April 29, 2018

New Utility PR Playbook Seeks to Mislead Customers on Demand Charges

The nation’s investor-owned electric utilities will attempt to deceive their customers into accepting new electric rate designs that would reduce people’s ability to save money by conserving energy or installing...

/ December 18, 2017

How Will Utilities Vote On The Latest Climate Denial Model Resolution At ALEC?

Updated on Dec. 6 to include reference to a letter from the Edison Electric Institute, NRECA, Chevron, Honeywell and UPS expressing concerns about the ALEC resolution.  In a test of...

/ December 4, 2017

Utilities Fiddle While Arizona Burns

As the temperature climbs, Arizona's utilities keep investing in fossil fuels that exacerbate climate change and present cost risks to customers.

/ July 28, 2017

Andy Tobin Pushes To Keep Open Dirtiest Coal Plant In The Western United States

The Najavo Generating Station is one of the oldest, dirtiest coal-fired power plants. It is also one of the country’s largest CO2 emitters.

/ February 13, 2017

Arizona Regulators Blunt Solar Progress

Arizona could be a solar hotbed, but regulators there have stunted the market, causing the state to fall behind other leaders in solar growth.

/ October 13, 2016

New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities

The New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities (CPU) is housed in the school’s College of Business. The CPU relies upon EEI to help craft its training program. CPU’s website...

/ January 21, 2016

Charles Koch Distorts the Facts: Here Are The Ways His Money & Political Network Prevent Clean Energy Businesses From Succeeding

The Kochs use their political influence and funding for efforts to repeal laws designed to support the deployment of more renewable electricity.

/ August 28, 2015


Prosper is an Arizona-based free market advocacy group funded by utility special interests and connected to the Koch political network and is led by former Arizona House Speaker Kirk Adams (who...

/ July 28, 2015