Tag: Arizona Public Service

Harvard Electricity Policy Group

The Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG) is a utility-funded university institute that comments and provides research on the electricity sector. Ashley Brown is the Executive Director and previously served as...

/ July 28, 2015

Arizona Free Enterprise Club

Arizona Free Enterprise Club is an anti-solar front group that was involved in electing anti-solar candidates to the Arizona Corporation Commission in 2014. Because the organization is a 501(c)4 nonprofit, Arizona...

/ July 28, 2015

American Encore

American Encore (formerly known as The Center to Protect Patient Rights) is a Koch-funded money laundering organization run by Sean Noble that has worked to eliminate the Affordable Care Act,...

/ July 28, 2015

Nevada Net Metering Attacked

The largest utility company in Nevada, NV Energy, worked in 2015 to stop any attempt to increase the state’s net metering cap, which solar installers had predicted would be met...

/ July 28, 2015

Arizona Net Metering Attacks

There is perhaps no greater attack on net metering ongoing than that being unleashed by the utility industry in Arizona. Starting in 2013, Arizona Public Service (APS), the state’s largest...

/ July 28, 2015

Electric Utility Industry Created Their Own Air Pollution Permits, Held Private Meetings With Texas Regulators

Utility employees held private meetings with state regulators to discuss revisions to the permits and provided language that was incorporated verbatim by the regulators into the final text of the...

/ May 27, 2015

EEI President Says Energy Efficiency Is A Priority. Why Are His Members Then Working to Weaken State Efficiency Programs?

On Wednesday, Thomas Kuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the trade association for investor-owned utilities in America, said, “energy efficiency is a priority for our business.” Kuhn continued...

/ January 22, 2015

Arizona’s Energy Efficiency Program Attacked

Last week, Arizona regulators filed a plan to eliminate the state’s energy efficiency program. The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) staff submitted the proposal on Tuesday and the five commissioners will...

/ November 10, 2014

ALEC’s Anti-Renewable Energy Agenda – July 2014

The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) new energy agenda continues to support the interests of the fossil fuel and utility members by attacking clean energy policies at the state level....

/ July 30, 2014