Tag: Entergy

As Customers Struggled, Utility CEOs’ Pay Spiked Last Year
While many Americans saw their energy bills go up substantially in the past year, investor-owned electric and gas utilities and the country’s largest publicly owned utility paid their CEOs over...
Hawthorn Group
The Hawthorn Group is a public affairs and corporate communications firm that has frequently worked with utilities and been central to a number of scandals involving the industry. Hawthorn describes...

Southeastern Utilities Block Transmission Necessary for Decarbonization
Decarbonizing the economy will require a significant expansion of interstate and interregional transmission, but investor-owned utilities in the South, such as Southern Company and Entergy, have spent years undermining efforts...

Utility CEOs received $3.2 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2022
Investor-owned electric and gas utilities paid their CEOs $3.2 billion between 2017 and 2022, according to corporate data reviewed by the Energy and Policy Institute. CEOs for the 57 companies...
Getting Politics Out of Utility Bills
How policymakers can protect customers from being forced to fund utilities’ political machines
Utility CEOs received $2.7 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2021
Investor-owned electric and gas utilities paid their CEOs $2.7 billion between 2017 and 2021, according to corporate data reviewed by the Energy and Policy Institute. CEOs for the 58 companies...
Entergy leads the charge to re-elect Lambert Boissiere III, Louisiana utility commissioner in runoff election with major climate and energy consequences
A runoff election for the Louisiana Public Service Commission is pitting an incumbent financially backed by the utility that he regulates against a challenger who has called on limiting utilities’...
The Empowerment Alliance
The Empowerment Alliance The Empowerment Alliance is a 501(c)(4) dark-money group aligned with the gas industry. The group was launched in September 2019 to promote the gas industry and oppose...
Utilities sent $2.4 million to anti-abortion state officials who sponsored and signed trigger laws
Oncor, Atmos, AEP, and CenterPoint are among biggest donors