We submitted the following prediction to Utility Dive after they asked: What do you think will happen in 2015?

See the rest of the predictions here

Renewable energy will be targeted in conservative state legislatures

Matthew Kasper, Fellow, Energy and Policy Institute: Koch funded-Americans for Prosperity and the American Legislative Exchange Council will continue to target states, such as Kansas and North Carolina, in an effort to pass legislation repealing renewable energy standards (RES). But, they will fail in the face of billions of dollars in private sector investment, economic development, and job creation in cleantech industries.

Meanwhile, the Ohio committee established to study the state’s RES will endorse the elimination of the law. The governor will sign it into law — making Ohio the first state to officially repeal a RES. The action will leave many wondering if state lawmakers and regulators read the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan.  Repealing the RES and continuing Ohio’s reliance on coal will cripple the state’s ability to respond to carbon pollution regulations. Other states will consider similar efforts next year, but ultimately decide not to weaken pro-clean energy and energy efficiency policies.

Posted by Matt Kasper

Matt Kasper is the Deputy Director at the Energy and Policy Institute. He focuses on defending policies that further the development of clean energy sources. He also focuses on the companies and their front groups that obstruct policy solutions to global warming. Before joining the Energy and Policy Institute in 2014, Matt was a research assistant at the Center for American Progress where he worked on various state and local policy issues.