Tag: ACC
Kiana Sears, Tom Forese defend themselves against their connections to APS while other candidates weigh-in on the state’s energy future
A total of eight candidates are running for two seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) this year, but that will change in just a few days after the primary...
Revolving door swings former AZ utility commissioner Bob Stump back into the arms of APS
Stump's new trade association will represent Arizona utilities in front of his former colleagues at the ACC.
Updated: Arizona Corporation Commission Executive Director resigns in latest scandal
Report: Forese actually fired Vogt because he was standing up to APS' interests; wife's work for Veridus was convenient excuse
Democratic women’s group hosts event sponsored by APS
ACC candidate with multiple ties to APS, Kiana Sears, attended event
AZ regulators reject APS plans for gas investment, as APS tries to avoid potential renewable energy obligations
APS is the top campaign donor to the legislator behind a maneuver that would protect it and other utilities from an RPS increase measure on the ballot this November
APS will try to kill renewable energy ballot measure so that it can keep building gas plants
Expect APS to come out swinging against a new renewable energy ballot initiative.
Arizona Utility commissioner gave keynote to natural gas lobbyists at private steakhouse meeting
Arizona utility commissioners Andy Tobin and Tom Forese attended and spoke at a private conference of lobbyists for pipeline development, according to a conference agenda
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Andy Tobin Caught With Hand in Cookie Jar
Republican Commissioner Andy Tobin has been caught soliciting donations for a side job that he would do alongside his work at the ACC. Tobin’s solicitation calls into serious question whether...