Tag: American Electric Power

Coal lobby group drafted state utility commissioners’ letters to FERC

Emails show that the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity provided utility commissioners with a template letter to FERC - which some commissioners copied word-for-word

/ October 14, 2019

Southern Company and American Electric Power pledge to reduce emissions, but still support coal lobby group

Investors are calling on major companies to align their climate lobbying efforts with the Paris Agreement

/ September 25, 2019

Utilities gave $320K to Ohio House members who voted for bailout bill

Members of the Ohio House who voted in favor of a bill to bail out uncompetitive coal and nuclear power plants received over $320,000 in campaign money from four utilities...

/ June 26, 2019
Duke Energy's Sutton Gas Plant

Utility Carbon Targets Reflect Decarbonization Slowdown In Crucial Next Decade

Many of the nation's largest utilities are planning to slow down their efforts to decarbonize, according to the companies' own goals.

/ June 25, 2019

AEP wants customers to fund “clean coal” group behind attacks on renewable energy

American Electric Power says it is working to meet strong customer demand for renewable energy, but the major utility wants to use customer money to fund a “clean coal” group...

/ June 17, 2019

UWAG and USWAG: the secretive utility groups that also target EPA safeguards remain after Utility Air Regulatory Group disbands

The Utility Air Regulatory Group announced on Friday that its remaining members had decided to disband the embattled project after more than 40 years. UARG had been an unincorporated group...

/ May 13, 2019

As utilities flee newly scandalous UARG, remaining members make dishonest claims about its purpose

As investigations continue into former Utility Air Regulatory Group attorney and EPA Assistant Administrator Bill Wehrum over possible violations of ethics rules, a flood of utility companies that were members...

/ April 23, 2019

Samuel Randazzo: PUCO candidate is an opponent of renewable energy

Update: This article was updated on January 31, 2019, with information from the cover letter and resume Samuel Randazzo filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the latest...

/ January 28, 2019

What The Public Learned From The Utility Industry In 2018

Deceit, money in politics, astroturfing: 12 revelations from the electric utility industry

/ December 13, 2018
2018 Political Map of the U.S. Governor Races

Analysis: How Electric Utilities and Their Executives Contributed in Nine Governor Races

Utilities Bet on Republicans in Some Close Races, Hedge in Others

/ November 2, 2018