Tag: Consumers Energy

How Market Power Gives Electric Utilities Political Power
John Farrell from the Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR) explains how utilities use political power to block the transition to renewable energy in this guest post.

Utility Carbon Targets Reflect Decarbonization Slowdown In Crucial Next Decade
Many of the nation's largest utilities are planning to slow down their efforts to decarbonize, according to the companies' own goals.
Global Climate Coalition documents reveal the electric utility industry’s role in notorious climate denial campaign
Electric utilities played a prominent role in the Global Climate Coalition, an industry group that worked for over a decade to sow doubt about climate change and block efforts to...
Dominion Energy’s new carbon reduction goal will mean slowdown in emissions reduction pace
Dominion's pitch to climate-conscious investors may have a problem.
DTE Energy aims to continue its gas buildout as it proposes to leave coal by 2040
DTE Energy announced a plan to retire its coal-fired power plants by 2040 on Friday, but the utility is preserving the option to build more gas-burning power plants while the...
Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy
Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy (CEME) is a 501(c)(4) dark money group funded by Consumers Energy and overseen by utility lobbyists. CEME has funneled millions of dollars to other nonprofits...
What The Public Learned From The Utility Industry In 2018
Deceit, money in politics, astroturfing: 12 revelations from the electric utility industry
Analysis: How Electric Utilities and Their Executives Contributed in Nine Governor Races
Utilities Bet on Republicans in Some Close Races, Hedge in Others
Campaign Finance Reports Reveal Utility Industry Again Spending Big This Election Cycle
The nation’s largest electric utilities are pouring money into political action committees and tax-exempt political organizations that work to elect governors, attorney generals and state legislators at an unprecedented rate...
Consumers Energy contributed $43.5 million over four years to Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy
But that’s not what Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy reports on their IRS 990 - so where’s the money?