All posts by Daniel Tait

Daniel Tait is a Research and Communication Director for the Energy and Policy Institute.

Southern Co. CEO Tom Fanning dismissed conflicting comments from Georgia subsidiary about Southern's "low- to no-carbon" goals.

Southern Company’s Big Bets Lead to Loss of Gulf Power

On May 21st, Southern Company decided to part ways with its almost 100- year-old subsidiary, Gulf Power, due in large part to failed bets the company made on its scuttled...

/ May 31, 2018
Entergy New Orleans Charity Check

Entergy Paid Actor Scandal Widens, Nonprofits Used to Support Gas Plant

Entergy came under fire this week when a New Orleans news site revealed that many of the people who testified on behalf of the company’s proposed gas-fired power plant were...

/ May 11, 2018
Dalton Utilities Vogtle Nuclear Plant

Big-Dollar Contributors with Ties to Georgia Power and Southern Company Bet on Pridemore, Eaton for Georgia PSC

Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) incumbents Tricia Pridemore and Chuck Eaton each received approximately two-thirds of their campaign contributions from people or companies associated with regulated entities such as Georgia...

/ May 1, 2018

Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy Boost Political Spending in Florida, Bet Heavily on Republicans

Florida Power & Light (FPL) and Duke Energy are getting an early jump on 2018 political spending compared to the last midterm election, according to records from the Florida Department...

/ April 10, 2018

Alabama Cooperative Customers Unknowingly Funding Political Candidates

Rural electric cooperative members in Alabama are unknowingly contributing to political candidates’ campaigns through their monthly utility bills, according to a new analysis from the Energy and Policy Institute. The...

/ March 27, 2018
Georgia PSC Commissioner Tim Echols (center) following a tour of the Vogtle plant. Photo c/o NRC flickr page.

Georgia PSC messages reveal cozy relationship with Georgia Power, possible ex parte communications

Records from Georgia PSC Commissioner Tim Echols show him using Georgia Power's talking points instead of PSC Staff's analysis, collaborating with utility on media efforts. The documents raise questions about...

/ March 7, 2018

NextEra CEO Jim Robo envisions a renewable future, but his subsidiary FPL remains addicted to gas

Jim Robo, the CEO of NextEra Energy, made news last month during his company’s annual earnings call when he said, “By early in the next decade, as further cost declines...

/ February 26, 2018
Dalton Utilities Vogtle Nuclear Plant

Dalton Utilities Stonewalls Georgia PSC, Public on Vogtle Information Affecting its Customers

As 1.6% owners of the Vogtle nuclear power plant, customers of Dalton Utilities may be wondering how much they will be on the hook for cost overruns, especially as the...

/ December 19, 2017

Stan Wise may be gift-wrapping an early Christmas present for Georgia Power at customers’ expense

In an apparent gift to Georgia Power, Public Service Commission Chairman Stan Wise unilaterally decided to speed up the timeline for a decision about whether the monopoly utility could continue...

/ December 12, 2017