Donald Trump’s renewable energy and global warming Tweets
Donald Trump has posted more than 100 Tweets attacking wind and solar power. He has also suggested that global warming is a hoax manufactured by the Chinese.
What’s next for solar in Florida after the Amendment 1 results?
How Florida votes on Election Day will determine whether Amendment 1 results in success for the utilities that have spent $20+ million backing this ‘deceptive’ attack on rooftop solar, or...
The Real Cost Shift: Utilities Force Customers to Subsidize Attacks on Rooftop Solar
Florida utilities are using customer money to subsidize the Edison Electric Institute's misleading attacks on so-called “subsidies” for rooftop solar.
Florida utilities silent amidst controversy over anti-solar Amendment 1
Deceptive Amendment 1 strategy defies utilities’ codes of conduct
Does Dominion support using Thomas Jefferson’s name to spread climate denial?
This relationship between a lobbyist for one of the nation’s largest utilities and an aggressive purveyor of attacks on climate science and policies warrants much deeper scrutiny than it has...