All posts by Itai Vardi

As Customers Struggled, Utility CEOs’ Pay Spiked Last Year

While many Americans saw their energy bills go up substantially in the past year, investor-owned electric and gas utilities and the country’s largest publicly owned utility paid their CEOs over...

/ July 18, 2024

As Rate Case Approached, Avangrid’s CEO Tried to Improperly Influence CT’s Utility Regulator, Documents Allege

Shortly before requesting a substantial rate increase in August of 2022, the CEO of Avangrid, which owns gas and electric utilities in Connecticut, tried to improperly influence the state’s top...

/ January 23, 2024
Utility Corruption

Avangrid Behind Political Campaign Against CT Utility Regulator

Connecticut utility United Illuminating, a subsidiary of Avangrid, is behind a political campaign targeting a draft decision by state regulators rejecting its requested rate hike. UI has mobilized its own...

/ August 23, 2023

Emails Reveal Eversource’s Work Behind the Scenes to Push Gas Pipeline 

In an exposé based on documents obtained by the Energy and Policy Institute through a public records request, the Boston Globe revealed how gas utility Eversource worked behind the scenes...

/ August 1, 2023

Virginia Regulator Who Pushed Gas Pipeline to Soon Rule on its Permit

An environmental regulator in Virginia who quietly promoted a proposed gas pipeline project may soon rule on one of its permits. TC Energy’s river and stream crossing permit application for...

/ April 5, 2023

Documents show TC Energy’s contractors did not report conflicts of interest to FERC

Two conflicted third-party contractors slipped through a federal vetting process last year for the review of two separate TC Energy gas pipeline projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hired...

/ October 6, 2022

Coal, Gas Lobbyists Behind PA Officials’ Letters Against RGGI, Emails Show

Lobbyists for coal and gas interests crafted letters and resolutions for elected officials in Pennsylvania as part of the industry’s efforts to oppose a proposal to add the state to...

/ March 4, 2021

While Touting Clean Energy Steps, Con Edison Continues to Invest in Gas Infrastructure

Consolidated Edison (Con Edison) has ramped up its clean energy pledges in the past year, but the company nonetheless continues to invest in gas infrastructure. The utility, which serves 3.4...

/ February 2, 2021

Virginia Lawmaker Coordinated Support for Mountain Valley Pipeline With Project’s Lobbyist

A Virginia state lawmaker coordinated with an energy lobbyist to support a controversial gas pipeline, the Energy and Policy Institute has found. Delegate Les Adams, a Republican representing Henry and...

/ December 3, 2020

In Pennsylvania, a Complex Network of Climate Deniers, Business Groups is Working to Kill RGGI

A tangled web of individuals and groups representing business interests and conservative think tanks lies at the forefront of opposition to Pennsylvania’s attempt to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative...

/ September 25, 2020