Category: Articles
Major co-op supports Biden coal debt relief proposal that NRECA has sought to undermine
The Biden administration, rural advocacy and environmental groups, and one of the largest cooperative power suppliers in the country are discussing proposals that could help electric cooperatives transition from coal...
Warren Buffett doesn’t want to disclose his companies’ climate risks
Berkshire Hathaway’s board of directors is opposing a proposal from major shareholder groups that the company publish an annual report disclosing the climate risks it faces, even as the company’s...
UARG, the sequel? “Clean Air Act Monitoring Service” and “Climate Legal Group” appear at McGuireWoods
Customers could be on the hook to pay utilities' dues
FOIA Documents Reveal Tennessee Valley Authority’s Role in the Utility Air Regulatory Group
Newly released documents detail the Tennessee Valley Authority’s relationship with the now-defunct Utility Air Regulatory Group (UARG). Hundreds of emails, calendar invitations, budget documents, and Hunton Andrews Kurth billing details...
Records reveal Entergy’s role in stalling MISO transmission planning
Texas freeze of 2021 highlights need for robust transmission system to protect consumers, increase renewable energy
Michigan utilities’ front groups begin misleading ad campaigns ahead of a vote on energy legislation
Two front groups with connections to DTE Energy and Consumers Energy launched a Facebook ad campaign last week ahead of a possible vote on solar energy legislation. DTE Energy’s Alliance...
NextEra, Florida utilities closely aligned with election fraud suspect Frank Artiles
Artiles’ close relationship with NextEra Energy and Florida Power & Light included NASCAR perks, campaign contributions
Major investors find electric utilities are not on track to meet decarbonization goals
Electric utilities are failing to align their businesses with the Paris climate agreement goals and investors’ expectations, according to a new scorecard of major emitting companies. The Climate Action 100+...
Duke, Southern disclose misleading descriptions of climate policy advocacy to ESG investors
Facing pressure from investors, the top two carbon polluting utilities in the country are making gestures to disclose more information about their advocacy with regard to climate policy, but the...
FERC Account 426.4
Electric utilities are required to file a financial and operating report every year to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The form is referred to as Form 1, and all...