Category: Articles

Washington DC PSC Rejects FOIA requests for records of Willie Phillips’ participation in industry-funded events

The Washington DC Public Service Commission has rejected a Freedom of Information Act request regarding Chairman Willie Phillips’ participation in invitation-only events funded in part by utilities, including a utility...

/ August 6, 2021

NRECA runs misleading pro-coal ads to sway Illinois lawmakers

As negotiations continue over a climate and energy bill in Illinois, misleading online advertisements from a group called “Voices for Cooperative Power” have appeared. The ads running in Illinois political...

/ July 15, 2021

Duke Energy PAC resumes contributions to lawmakers who voted to overturn election

Duke is one of the first utilities to have resumed giving after a pause to evaluate lawmakers’ “values and actions”

/ May 18, 2021

FOIA Documents Reveal Tennessee Valley Authority’s Role in the Utility Air Regulatory Group

Newly released documents detail the Tennessee Valley Authority’s relationship with the now-defunct Utility Air Regulatory Group (UARG). Hundreds of emails, calendar invitations, budget documents, and Hunton Andrews Kurth billing details...

/ April 6, 2021

Michigan utilities’ front groups begin misleading ad campaigns ahead of a vote on energy legislation

Two front groups with connections to DTE Energy and Consumers Energy launched a Facebook ad campaign last week ahead of a possible vote on solar energy legislation. DTE Energy’s Alliance...

/ March 30, 2021

Some utility companies “pause” or “evaluate” PAC giving; others remain silent

Alabama Power contributed to rally sponsor RLDF in 2020

/ January 15, 2021
Kyger Creek Power Plant

Many U.S. electric utilities plan slow decarbonization over next decade, out of sync with Biden plan

“Net-zero” goals proliferate, but speed, integrity of commitments varies greatly

/ December 1, 2020

Utility CEOs contribute personal money to help Republicans; Utility PACs also favor GOP

Analysis of federal campaign dollars in the 2020 election cycle

/ October 22, 2020

Warren Buffett’s Methane Emissions Purchase From Dominion Energy

Berkshire Hathaway now is responsible for another estimated 1,663,568 metric tons of CO2e, at a minimum, from Dominion’s midstream gas infrastructure - an increase of about 40% over its previous...

/ August 20, 2020