Category: Articles
How Market Power Gives Electric Utilities Political Power
John Farrell from the Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR) explains how utilities use political power to block the transition to renewable energy in this guest post.
Utilities don’t want Peabody Energy’s “clean coal” awards anymore
In the latest sign of the U.S. coal industry’s declining ability to compete in the power sector, Peabody Energy is now struggling to find electric utility companies who are willing...
While Wisconsin residents object to the $700 million Nemadji Trail Energy Center gas plant, their public officials submit supportive comments ghostwritten by industry
As the public comment period for a new natural gas power plant drew to a close last month, several state lawmakers filed comments urging the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to...
WEC Energy Files Application For LNG Peaking Facilities; Emails Show Company Discussed Project With PSC Before Filing
Gas investments may present stranded asset risk
Dominion Energy spent record-breaking sum in Virginia election to bolster embattled Republicans and legislative allies
Utility and its executives supported allies in both parties, but spent on Republicans in key battleground races
United Power and La Plata Electric ask Colorado Public Utilities Commission to determine Tri-State exit fee
The electric cooperatives’ filings emphasize a critical flaw in Tri-State’s governance system
Loopholes Set to Provide Millions in Benefits to Entergy in New Orleans Rate Case
The New Orleans City Council is set to vote on a resolution tomorrow which would give hundreds of millions of dollars in extra profits to Entergy New Orleans. The resolution,...
Colorado Rural Electric Association spent electric cooperatives’ money supporting Republican politicians
The statewide association for electric cooperatives in Colorado describes its political spending as bipartisan and funded by voluntary donations, but a review of filings with the Colorado Secretary of State...
Coal lobby group drafted state utility commissioners’ letters to FERC
Emails show that the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity provided utility commissioners with a template letter to FERC - which some commissioners copied word-for-word
Dominion buys pipeline support at Supreme Court through GOP Attorneys General
With a key Atlantic Coast Pipeline appeal before the Supreme Court, US Attorney General Barr and Republican state Attorneys General have intervened in Dominion's favor - while sharing close financial...