Category: Articles

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Again Appoints Ellen Nowak To PSC

With just a few weeks remaining as governor, Republican Scott Walker appointed his top aid Ellen Nowak to the Public Service Commission (PSC). Earlier this year, Nowak was chosen by...

/ December 17, 2018

What The Public Learned From The Utility Industry In 2018

Deceit, money in politics, astroturfing: 12 revelations from the electric utility industry

/ December 13, 2018

The Trump Administration continues to aid the coal industry in the U.S. and abroad as climate talks continue in Poland

As world leaders gather to draft the rulebook for the Paris Climate Agreement, the Trump Administration will promote coal

/ December 7, 2018
Entergy confirms actors were paid to support New Orleans power plant

Entergy Leaves Questions Unanswered in Paid Actor Scandal

Entergy continues to receive significant scrutiny due to its use of paid actors to feign public support in New Orleans City Council hearings for a proposed natural gas plant, which...

/ December 7, 2018
2018 Political Map of the U.S. Governor Races

Analysis: How Electric Utilities and Their Executives Contributed in Nine Governor Races

Utilities Bet on Republicans in Some Close Races, Hedge in Others

/ November 2, 2018

Final Campaign Finance Reports Filed Before Election Shows APS Spending $30 Million To Defeat Prop 127

Millions More To Politicians While Arizona Rep. Grijalva Tells APS "No Thanks"

/ October 31, 2018
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Andy Tobin

Arizona Commissioner Andy Tobin texted APS lobbyists frequently, including about open rate case

Tobin asked APS lobbyist whether they had a “public information strategy planned” to combat negative media coverage of a rate increase request while the case was still pending

/ October 29, 2018

Questionable Campaign Contributions Tick Back Up for Eaton as Election Nears

UPDATE (11/5/18) – Campaigns were required to file their final campaign finance reports before the election by November 1st, for contributions received through October 25th. The filings provided yet another...

/ October 25, 2018
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Justin Olson

Arizona Commissioner Justin Olson answered questions about Arizona’s energy policy by copying parts of an APS memo verbatim, emails show

Emails show that Olson forwarded a Wall Street analyst's questions to an APS lobbyist, then read from APS' answers verbatim.

/ October 18, 2018
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Justin Olson

Transcript: Conference Call between Arizona Corporation Commissioner Justin Olson and Credit Suisse Analyst (May 18, 2018)

Transcript: Conference Call between Arizona Corporation Commissioner Justin Olson and Credit Suisse Analyst (May 18, 2018) Olson: …my background, with my MBA in finance, my experience in the private sector...

/ October 18, 2018