Category: Articles
After Irma will the Southeast copy post-Sandy rebuild plans?
"This is going to be a very, very lengthy restoration ... what we think we’ll see on the west coast is a wholesale rebuild of our electric grid."
Candidates for Florida Public Service Commission Echo Utility Industry Solar Talking Points
Candidates for three open seats on the Florida Public Service Commission revealed a range of views – some of which are not well supported by facts – on solar power...
While NV Energy decries rooftop solar “cost shift”, it is over-profiting from its customers by tens of millions
NV Energy continues to make dubious claims that rooftop solar would raise customers' bills. But the utility itself has over-profited from its customers by $180 million over the last five...
Despite Spiraling Costs and Its Own Bungling, Southern Company Wants to Complete Vogtle Plant
This guest post about the Vogtle plant was authored by Dan Zegart and cross-posted from the Climate Investigations Center. With Southern Company’s board voting today to green light the completion of the...
Utility Industry Third-Parties Emerge in Utah to Defend Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Solar Fees
The Utah state Public Service Commission delayed hearings over Rocky Mountain Power’s proposed new fees on rooftop solar customers until the week of September 18 as parties continue their settlement...
Unlike CEO peers, Southern’s Tom Fanning declines to denounce Trump after Charlottesville
Unlike his CEO peers, Tom Fanning of Southern Co. declined to denounce Trump's response to white supremacy in the wake of Charlottesville.
Florida PSC Nominating Council Set to Interview and Vote on Finalists
Florida PSC Nominating Council Set to Interview and Vote on Finalists Update: The Public Service Commission (PSC) Nominating Council voted to send the following applicants to Governor Scott to fill...
Polluters’ Lesser Known Strategy To Fight EPA CO2 Rules
Recent articles have revealed how industry groups have asked the Trump administration to significantly change the rescinded Clean Power Plan by pursuing only an “inside-the-fence” approach. The Obama administration knew...
Utility Earnings Calls Further Shows the Conflict of Nuclear and Coal Versus Natural Gas
"We need to make sure that our customers get electricity even in the event of a long-term disruption of the natural gas pipeline system." - Exelon's Joseph Dominguez
Utility Companies Quick To Fund Republican Governors and Attorneys General in 2017
The nation’s investor-owned utilities have been quick to help Republican governors and attorneys general maintain and expand their control of state capitals, according to a review of mid-year campaign finance...