Category: Articles
Peabody’s Energy Poverty Campaign Versus Reality at Powering Africa Summit
African energy ministers, utility companies, and private sector investors all gathered in Washington D.C. recently for the Powering Africa Summit at the St. Regis Hotel. The summit is designed to...
Floridians for Solar Choice Launches Ballot Initiative: Americans for Prosperity Stays Silent on the Issue
Update: On Wednesday, March 11, the Florida Chapter of Americans For Prosperity (AFP) held a press conference on the topic of solar energy. A reporter asked if the chapter was...
American Gas Association Wants States To Submit Implementation Plans, Not Ignore Clean Power Plan
David McCurdy, President & CEO of the American Gas Association, said last week that he prefers state lawmakers and regulators submit their state implementation plans (SIP) to the EPA, rather...
EEI President Says Energy Efficiency Is A Priority. Why Are His Members Then Working to Weaken State Efficiency Programs?
On Wednesday, Thomas Kuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the trade association for investor-owned utilities in America, said, “energy efficiency is a priority for our business.” Kuhn continued...
Our Prediction for 2015 on Utility Dive
We submitted the following prediction to Utility Dive after they asked: What do you think will happen in 2015? See the rest of the predictions here. Matthew Kasper, Fellow, Energy...

Coal Ash Still Considered Non-Hazardous by the EPA, Despite Evidence to the Contrary
After years of delay, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first federal regulations for the disposal of coal ash, a toxic byproduct of burning coal at power plants that...
Florida Regulators Weaken Energy Efficiency Goals for Utilities
The Florida Public Service Commission voted today to gut the state’s energy efficiency goals by more than 90 percent for electric utilities (Duke Energy Florida, Florida Power & Light, Gulf...
Arizona’s Energy Efficiency Program Attacked
Last week, Arizona regulators filed a plan to eliminate the state’s energy efficiency program. The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) staff submitted the proposal on Tuesday and the five commissioners will...
Atlantic Offshore Drilling Plans Continue: Fossil Fuel Front Groups Meet Privately With Federal Agencies
Update March 15, 2016: The Obama administration said it will not auction off drilling rights for Atlantic Ocean waters off the coast of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. However, the Department of Interior will consider the...
The 2014 Midterm Election Results: Implications for Energy and Environment Policies
The 2014 midterm elections will have implications on a variety of issues across the country and throughout all levels of government. Many people will be analyzing the events and decisions...