Category: Articles
America’s Power loses more member companies, deletes member list
Coal group deletes its members list after losing all investor-owned utilities and railroad members
PERC withholds and removes records from its website
A federally sanctioned propane trade association, the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), is refusing to disclose records about its operations, despite its obligations to do so under the Propane...
As Householder trial begins, EPI releases guide for policymakers to protect ratepayers from utility scandals
State and federal policymakers can adopt a series of policy changes that would ban utilities from charging customers for their political operations and make it harder for them to conduct...
North Dakota has spent millions on a coal industry campaign targeting 100% clean energy legislation in Minnesota
A North Dakota coal industry front group, the Lignite Energy Council, has jumped state lines to wage a campaign to weaken a bill in Minnesota that would require the state’s...
Utility CEOs received $2.7 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2021
Investor-owned electric and gas utilities paid their CEOs $2.7 billion between 2017 and 2021, according to corporate data reviewed by the Energy and Policy Institute. CEOs for the 58 companies...
Georgia Power’s “Smart Usage” Rate Leads to Higher Bills for 61% of Customers, Analysis Shows
90% of low-use customers on Smart Usage rate experienced higher bills
Entergy leads the charge to re-elect Lambert Boissiere III, Louisiana utility commissioner in runoff election with major climate and energy consequences
A runoff election for the Louisiana Public Service Commission is pitting an incumbent financially backed by the utility that he regulates against a challenger who has called on limiting utilities’...
Duke Energy “Carbon Plan” proceeding in North Carolina highlights the utility’s preference for monopolization over customer savings
North Carolina ratepayer advocate pushes regulators to delay compliance with the law, despite benefits of clean energy and legislative priorities
Documents show TC Energy’s contractors did not report conflicts of interest to FERC
Two conflicted third-party contractors slipped through a federal vetting process last year for the review of two separate TC Energy gas pipeline projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hired...
Carbon Capture Coalition lobbied to weaken guardrails for expanded carbon capture subsidy
The Inflation Reduction Act includes a major increase of the tax credits that subsidize carbon capture projects, as well as changes that weakened a key guardrail that was included in...