Category: Articles

FPL Natural Gas

Florida Power & Light $1.53 billion rate hike settlement includes new fossil gas investments

Ratepayers to fund $20 million in dues for political trade associations

/ August 17, 2021

Washington DC PSC Rejects FOIA requests for records of Willie Phillips’ participation in industry-funded events

The Washington DC Public Service Commission has rejected a Freedom of Information Act request regarding Chairman Willie Phillips’ participation in invitation-only events funded in part by utilities, including a utility...

/ August 6, 2021

NRECA runs misleading pro-coal ads to sway Illinois lawmakers

As negotiations continue over a climate and energy bill in Illinois, misleading online advertisements from a group called “Voices for Cooperative Power” have appeared. The ads running in Illinois political...

/ July 15, 2021

Duke Energy given preferential treatment to shape study of HB 951 by North Carolina Utilities Commission Public Staff, records show

Duke Energy received preferential treatment and exclusive access from the North Carolina Utilities Commission Public Staff when that agency analyzed the impacts on customers’ bills of a sweeping energy bill...

/ July 14, 2021

Four major Ohio utilities shut off customers’ electricity 200,000 times during COVID-19 pandemic

AEP, FirstEnergy, Duke Energy, and DP&L disconnected Ohio customers who couldn't pay their bills during the Covid-19 pandemic.

/ July 9, 2021

North Carolina HB 951 could mean windfall for Duke, large rate increases for customers

Duke Energy is attempting to win major concessions from North Carolina lawmakers on an energy bill that would fundamentally change the state’s regulatory landscape, setting up a potential veto showdown...

/ June 17, 2021
Comanche coal plant

Colorado regulators reject coal front group’s attempt to intervene in Xcel Energy resource plan

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission has rejected a coal industry front group’s efforts to intervene in Xcel Energy’s resource plan, after the Colorado Office of Consumer Counsel and Colorado Energy...

/ June 10, 2021

TVA net zero emissions target undercut by new gas

Goal falls short of Biden’s call to decarbonize electricity by 2035

/ May 20, 2021
Great River Energy presentation to Lignite Energy Council

Lignite Energy Council shouldn’t be funded by utility ratepayers, Minnesota Attorney General argues

Minnesota’s Attorney General thinks utility ratepayers should not be forced to fund the Lignite Energy Council, a coal industry group that has opposed clean energy policies in Minnesota and supported...

/ May 19, 2021

Duke Energy PAC resumes contributions to lawmakers who voted to overturn election

Duke is one of the first utilities to have resumed giving after a pause to evaluate lawmakers’ “values and actions”

/ May 18, 2021