Category: Utilities

Utility members silent on Ohio Chamber’s opposition to Issue 1, but their money speaks volumes

Utility members of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce are silent on the industry group’s opposition to Issue 1, which aims to depoliticize how voting districts are drawn in Ohio.  The...

/ November 1, 2024

Southwest Gas incessant in requesting back-to-back rate increases

Southwest Gas, one of the country’s largest gas utilities, requested an 11.88% – $125.6 million – rate increase with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) earlier this year. If approved, the...

/ October 22, 2024
Mike Kehoe holding an Ameren check

Missouri utilities pump more than $400,000 into Kehoe gubernatorial bid

Led by Ameren, utilities have funneled nearly $600,000 to the Republican throughout his political career.

/ October 16, 2024
Belews Creek Steam Station

Duke Energy funded climate science-denying John Locke Foundation

Duke Energy contributed $25,000 to the John Locke Foundation (JLF), a leading voice of climate science denial and renewable energy rejectionism in North Carolina. The contribution, which occurred in 2021...

/ October 15, 2024

Subpoenaed records detail FirstEnergy’s secret political spending to influence then-President Donald Trump 

How FirstEnergy, one of America’s most corrupt utilities, secretly spent millions of dollars as it pursued a multi-billion-dollar federal bailout for its coal and nuclear plants during Donald Trump’s presidency,...

/ October 9, 2024

Governor Lombardo prioritizes gas, eroding Nevada’s climate plan

Governor Joe Lombardo has eroded Nevada’s robust climate plan, one year into his first term. From appointing a fossil fuel executive to head the Office of Energy to pulling the...

/ December 18, 2023

Who’s who in former PUCO chairman Samuel Randazzo’s indictment? 

A federal grand jury has indicted former Public Utilities Commission of Ohio chairman Samuel Randazzo on bribery and fraud charges.  FirstEnergy is not named in the indictment, which was unsealed...

/ December 4, 2023

Utility campaign giving nears $500K as Michigan lawmakers weigh energy bills

DTE Energy and Consumers Energy PAC spending this year favors Democrats, who have a trifecta and have pledged to pass clean energy bills.

/ October 27, 2023

Potomac Edison faces Maryland audit after admitting it charged customers for FirstEnergy’s bribes and lobbying 

Maryland utility regulators ordered a new audit of Potomac Edison last week, after the FirstEnergy-owned utility admitted in a rate case that it owes nearly $1.7 million in refunds to...

/ October 26, 2023

Michigan legislators took $176K from DTE since pledging new era of utility accountability after outage backlash

DTE Energy's contributions to campaign and party funds come as Democrats attempt to pass climate and consumer protection bills.

/ October 18, 2023