Category: Utilities

Yes on 1 for the Sun: The Anti-Solar Ballot Initiative from Utilities and Fossil Fuel Interests

The Koch Brothers and utility-funded Consumers for Smart Solar unveiled its amendment ballot campaign, Yes on 1 for the Sun, to restrict the solar market in Florida.

/ April 20, 2016

NextEra Energy Shareholder Resolution on Sea Level Rise Advances

Shareholders have proposed a resolution to NextEra Energy, Inc. that would require the corporation to report material risks and costs of sea level rise scenarios projecting forward to 2100.

/ April 1, 2016

Utility Funded Consumers for Smart Solar Ballot Approved by Florida Supreme Court

The Florida Supreme Court approved the utility-funded Consumers for Smart Solar ballot for the 2016 election.

/ April 1, 2016

Louisiana State University David Dismukes

The LSU AgCenter solar report was not the only one to come out of LSU last year. David Dismukes, an economist at the university who runs a private consultancy called...

/ January 21, 2016

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

Early in 2015, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (AgCenter) released a booklet titled, “Solar Power for Your Home: A Consumer’s Guide.” EEI, the trade association for investor-owned utility companies in...

/ January 21, 2016

New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities

The New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities (CPU) is housed in the school’s College of Business. The CPU relies upon EEI to help craft its training program. CPU’s website...

/ January 21, 2016

University of Wisconsin Public Utility Institute

The Public Utility Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (WPUI) is another member-supported organization that is partially funded by “Sustaining Members,” which include the largest investor-owned utility companies operating in...

/ January 21, 2016

Harvard University Electricity Policy Group

The Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG) is run by Ashley Brown, a former commissioner on the Ohio Public Utilities Commission, who has publicly criticized distributed renewable energy repeatedly for months...

/ January 21, 2016

Utilities Exert Influence Through Universities to Sway Regulatory and Political Debate

Through the funding of university institutes and faculty, utility interests and their trade association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), wield significant influence over the education of regulatory staff and production of...

/ January 21, 2016

The Utility Industry’s Influence at Universities

Universities and professors, funded by fossil fuel and utility special interests, are increasingly producing academic reports, supporting advocacy efforts, and amplifying positions that either recommend policies or provide credence to...

/ January 20, 2016