Category: Utilities

Edison Electric Institute Campaign Against Distributed Solar

The rapid emergence of solar energy has caused investor-owned utility companies and their trade association, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), to create a strategic campaign to disrupt the growth of...

/ March 7, 2015

Documents Reveal Edison Electric Institute Campaign Against Solar

The rapid growth and emergence of solar energy in the electricity market has caused investor-owned utility companies and their trade association, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), to create a strategic...

/ March 7, 2015

Willie Soon Secret Fossil Fuel Funding Revealed For Papers Denying Man-Made Climate Change

Southern Company has been funding Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and climate change denier at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics through one of its subsidiaries called Southern Company Services.

/ February 23, 2015

American Gas Association Wants States To Submit Implementation Plans, Not Ignore Clean Power Plan

David McCurdy, President & CEO of the American Gas Association, said last week that he prefers state lawmakers and regulators submit their state implementation plans (SIP) to the EPA, rather...

/ January 26, 2015

EEI President Says Energy Efficiency Is A Priority. Why Are His Members Then Working to Weaken State Efficiency Programs?

On Wednesday, Thomas Kuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the trade association for investor-owned utilities in America, said, “energy efficiency is a priority for our business.” Kuhn continued...

/ January 22, 2015

Edison Electric Institute’s Anti-Solar, PR Spending Revealed

Over the past couple of decades, special interests from the coal, oil, utilities, and other energy industries have routinely used lobbying, public relations, and other means to impact decisions that...

/ January 21, 2015

Coal Ash Still Considered Non-Hazardous by the EPA, Despite Evidence to the Contrary

After years of delay, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first federal regulations for the disposal of coal ash, a toxic byproduct of burning coal at power plants that...

/ December 23, 2014

Florida Regulators Weaken Energy Efficiency Goals for Utilities

The Florida Public Service Commission voted today to gut the state’s energy efficiency goals by more than 90 percent for electric utilities (Duke Energy Florida, Florida Power & Light, Gulf...

/ November 25, 2014

Arizona’s Energy Efficiency Program Attacked

Last week, Arizona regulators filed a plan to eliminate the state’s energy efficiency program. The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) staff submitted the proposal on Tuesday and the five commissioners will...

/ November 10, 2014

Arizona Public Service Proposes To Install Free Solar Panels, Here’s What They Should Do Next

On July 28, Arizona Public Service Co. (APS) filed a proposal to state regulators seeking approval to install 20 megawatts (MW) of distributed solar generation on approximately 3,000 homes. APS...

/ August 1, 2014