Corporations Behind The Lawsuit Against The EPA

The coalition of lawyers suing the EPA is connected to some of the largest electric utility corporations in the country, and many want to remain hidden.

/ August 19, 2015

States Begin New Legal Attack Against The Clean Power Plan

Sixteen states, led by West Virginia, have requested that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stay the final Clean Power Plan rule.

/ August 6, 2015

Industry-funded Front Groups Working Together To Fight Clean Power Plan

These ten industry-funded front groups have been working to stop the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan regulations seeking to combat combat climate change.

/ August 3, 2015

The Secret Network of Fossil Fuel & Utility Backed Groups Working to Stop Clean Energy

Energy & Policy Institute's new report exposes the strategies, front groups, and people used by the fossil fuel and utility corporations to attack clean energy policies.

/ July 28, 2015

Wisconsin Energy Corp. CEO, Gale Klappa, President of Global Warming Misinformation Campaign Earlier In His Career

The Information Council on the Environment was created as a front group for coal and utility interests to “reposition global warming as theory (not fact).”

/ July 8, 2015

Are Utility Companies Changing Their Strategy To Fight Obama Power Plan?

In a letter sent to President Obama this week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence said that the State of Indiana “will not comply” with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan...

/ June 26, 2015

Pope Francis’ Encyclical: Clean Energy and The Moral Case for Climate Solutions

Pope Francis officially released his encyclical, "Laudato Si (“Be Praised”), On the Care of Our Common Home”, calling on “every person living on this planet” to urgently address climate change,...

/ June 18, 2015

Edison Electric Institute Elects New Leaders But Policymakers Are Unlikely To See Innovative Ideas

Nick Akins, president and CEO of American Electric Power, was announced as the elected chairman of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) yesterday at the association’s annual meeting in New Orleans....

/ June 10, 2015

Electric Utility Industry Created Their Own Air Pollution Permits, Held Private Meetings With Texas Regulators

Utility employees held private meetings with state regulators to discuss revisions to the permits and provided language that was incorporated verbatim by the regulators into the final text of the...

/ May 27, 2015

The Exelon-Pepco Merger & Exelon’s History of Anti-Clean Energy Lobbying

The Exelon-Pepco merger would empower the company to continue its anti-renewable campaign in Washington, D.C. and Maryland, negatively impact ratepayers, and hinder the growth of the renewable energy industry.

/ April 29, 2015