March 2, 2015
Contact: Gabe Elsner, Energy & Policy Institute, (202) 297-0145,
Fossil Fuel-Funded ALEC Behind Attack Colorado Renewable Energy Standard
A bill (SB 15-044) meant to rollback Colorado’s renewable energy law will be heard in the State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee in the General Assembly today.
The sponsors of the bill are tied to the fossil fuel-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has sought for at least three years to overturn renewable energy standards (RES) in the states. Their effort has largely failed across the country due to widespread, bi-partisan support for RES because these pro-clean energy policies drive private sector investment and job creation.
- Three of the bill’s sponsors (Sonnenberg, Cadman, Lambert) signed a letter to Google denying ALEC’s climate denial.
- Sen. Bill Cadman is a Colorado state chair for ALEC.
- Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA), a coal-dependent electricity provider, seems to be supporting the bill, and has also served as a private sector state chair for ALEC in Colorado.
Gabe Elsner of the Energy and Policy Institute stated: “The bill seeking to rollback Colorado’s renewable energy standard is the latest effort by fossil fuel interests and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to weaken pro-clean energy policies across the country. Republicans and Democrats in state after state have rejected these fossil fuel-backed bills because they would cripple private sector investment and job creation in the renewable energy industry.”
Energy & Policy Institute released a report tracking attacks on renewable energy policies by fossil fuel interests in 17 states last year.