Tag: American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
Clean Power Plan Published – Here Is The Utility Industry’s Strategy To Overturn It
Utility companies including the industry's trade association, Edison Electric Institute, have worked to stop the rules and continue to fund organizations focused on overturning the rules.
Attacks on Clean Power Plan Based on Flawed Reports
This briefing outlines the studies frequently used by special interests, details who has been paid or consulted in the production of these reports, and exposes the front groups involved in...
Vitter and His Campaign Contributors Fight Against EPA Carbon Rules, Favor Anti-Environment Agenda
Vitter’s Billionaire’s Club report is a distraction from the real billionaires in politics with whose dirty energy agenda David Vitter is strongly aligned.
Corporations Behind The Lawsuit Against The EPA
The coalition of lawyers suing the EPA is connected to some of the largest electric utility corporations in the country, and many want to remain hidden.