Tag: American Legislative Exchange Council
American Gas Association Wants States To Submit Implementation Plans, Not Ignore Clean Power Plan
David McCurdy, President & CEO of the American Gas Association, said last week that he prefers state lawmakers and regulators submit their state implementation plans (SIP) to the EPA, rather...
Our Prediction for 2015 on Utility Dive
We submitted the following prediction to Utility Dive after they asked: What do you think will happen in 2015? See the rest of the predictions here. Matthew Kasper, Fellow, Energy...
ALEC’s Anti-Renewable Energy Agenda – July 2014
The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) new energy agenda continues to support the interests of the fossil fuel and utility members by attacking clean energy policies at the state level....
House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Features Fossil Fuel Front Groups
House subcommittee hearing features testimony from people who have received funding from fossil fuel interests and primarily advocate for the continued use of fossil fuels over renewable energy.
Assemblymember Perea’s Energy Bill Pushed by Fossil Fuel Interests Tied to American Legislative Exchange Council
In 2014, California Assembly Bill 1763 would require the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a state energy plan for 2030 and 2050. It is sponsored by Californians for Affordable...
Attacks on Renewable Energy Policy by Fossil Fuel Interests 2013-2014
Fossil fuel and utility interests, concerned about the rise of cheap clean energy, are financing attacks on pro-clean energy policies in an effort to delay the growth of their competition...
Fossil Fuel Interests Continue Attacks on Clean Energy Policies
This response was originally posted at National Journal’s Energy Insiders blog, which asked energy experts this week, “How Bright Is Renewable Energy’s Future?” The outlook for clean energy remains strong because smart...