Tag: avangrid
CT Lawmaker Eyeing PURA Seat Owes Struggling Ratepayers Over $1 Million
Current businesses would pose conflict of interest
As Customers Struggled, Utility CEOs’ Pay Spiked Last Year
While many Americans saw their energy bills go up substantially in the past year, investor-owned electric and gas utilities and the country’s largest publicly owned utility paid their CEOs over...
As Rate Case Approached, Avangrid’s CEO Tried to Improperly Influence CT’s Utility Regulator, Documents Allege
Shortly before requesting a substantial rate increase in August of 2022, the CEO of Avangrid, which owns gas and electric utilities in Connecticut, tried to improperly influence the state’s top...
Avangrid Behind Political Campaign Against CT Utility Regulator
Connecticut utility United Illuminating, a subsidiary of Avangrid, is behind a political campaign targeting a draft decision by state regulators rejecting its requested rate hike. UI has mobilized its own...
Utility CEOs received $3.2 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2022
Investor-owned electric and gas utilities paid their CEOs $3.2 billion between 2017 and 2022, according to corporate data reviewed by the Energy and Policy Institute. CEOs for the 57 companies...
Getting Politics Out of Utility Bills
How policymakers can protect customers from being forced to fund utilities’ political machines
Utility CEOs received $2.7 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2021
Investor-owned electric and gas utilities paid their CEOs $2.7 billion between 2017 and 2021, according to corporate data reviewed by the Energy and Policy Institute. CEOs for the 58 companies...
New Yorkers for Affordable Energy
New Yorkers for Affordable Energy New Yorkers for Affordable Energy (NY4AE) is a front group whose utility company members include National Grid, Avangrid, Central Hudson, and National Fuel. The group, which advocates...
NextEra spent $20 million to “ban” clean energy transmission project in Maine
Voters in Maine approved “Question 1” on the November ballot, in an effort to ban a 145 mile transmission line needed to carry hydropower from Quebec to help meet Massachusetts’...
Utility CEOs received over $1 billion in executive compensation from 2017 – 2019
Investor-owned utilities' CEO compensation was up 26% in 2019 over 2018.