Tag: Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy
Utility front groups spending on disinformation advertising
The Energy and Policy Institute launched a new tracking tool that exposes up to $2.4 million in spending on advertising by 14 utility front groups in the last year. Utilities...
Utility Front Group Advertisement Tracker
Utility Front Group Advertisement Tracker: Exposing Utility Front Groups’ Spending on Facebook and Instagram Utility front groups are organizations that appear independent but are established, controlled or funded by a...
Michigan utilities’ front groups begin misleading ad campaigns ahead of a vote on energy legislation
Two front groups with connections to DTE Energy and Consumers Energy launched a Facebook ad campaign last week ahead of a possible vote on solar energy legislation. DTE Energy’s Alliance...
Utilities sent $6.8 million to members of Congress who sought to overturn election results in recent election cycles
Three utilities and a trade association have said they are "pausing" all contributions in wake of violence
Consumers Energy-Funded 501(c)(4) Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy Is Active Again, Promoting Specific Candidates
Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy (CEME), a dark money 501(c)(4) that has received at least $43 million from Consumers Energy since 2014, is promoting at least five candidates who are...
What The Public Learned From The Utility Industry In 2018
Deceit, money in politics, astroturfing: 12 revelations from the electric utility industry
Michigan’s utilities have a history of trying to block renewable energy increases like the one that could be on the ballot in November
A ballot campaign to increase Michigan’s state renewable energy standard (RES) is in the works. The proposal, led by a group called Clean Energy, Healthy Michigan, asks voters to double...