Tag: Edison Electric Institute

How Central Maine Power killed a popular pro-rooftop solar bill

Central Maine Power used its money and political influence to kill a pro-rooftop solar bill that was supported by a majority of state legislators, with the help of Governor Paul...

/ August 21, 2017

Polluters’ Lesser Known Strategy To Fight EPA CO2 Rules

Recent articles have revealed how industry groups have asked the Trump administration to significantly change the rescinded Clean Power Plan by pursuing only an “inside-the-fence” approach. The Obama administration knew...

/ August 15, 2017

Utility Companies Quick To Fund Republican Governors and Attorneys General in 2017

The nation’s investor-owned utilities have been quick to help Republican governors and attorneys general maintain and expand their control of state capitals, according to a review of mid-year campaign finance...

/ August 8, 2017

Utilities Knew: Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change From 1968-2017

Scientists had begun to warn electric utilities about climate change by 1968, and by 1988 the industry’s official research and development organization had acknowledged that, “There is growing consensus in...

/ July 25, 2017

Utility Industry Set To Get Another Ally Inside The Trump Administration

Mark Menezes has spent decades working in the electric utility industry, mostly alongside corporate lobbying teams.

/ July 19, 2017

NYT Digs Into Utilities’ Efforts To Slow Down Rooftop Solar

Utilities will keep attacking rooftop solar, sometimes using customers' money to do it. But in the long run, they cannot win.

/ July 11, 2017

Emails show Wisconsin Commissioner Nowak’s relationship with utility industry players

Wisconsin Public Service Commissioner Ellen Nowak attended several private events at the behest of groups funded by the Koch Brothers and utility interests in 2016, according to documents obtained by...

/ July 7, 2017

PR Firm behind American Gas Association front group also member and consultant for Edison Electric Institute

The nation’s largest electric utilities have been relying on a political consulting shop to portray their efforts to attack rooftop solar as having support from the “grassroots” for at least...

/ June 20, 2017

Paying for Utility Politics: How ratepayers are forced to fund the Edison Electric Institute and other political organizations

The Edison Electric Institute is an inherently political organization, and a powerful one. At $90 million, its budget is the highest it has been in over a decade – a budget...

Southern Company CEO and Edison Electric Institute Chairman Tom Fanning’s Climate Change Denial

In the month since Tom Fanning, the CEO of Southern Company and current chairman of the Edison Electric Institute, said that carbon dioxide was not a primary contributor to global...

/ April 30, 2017