Tag: Florida Power & Light

Floridians for Affordable Reliable Energy Joe Gibbons

New Front Group, Floridians for Affordable Reliable Energy, Emerges to Fight for Monopoly Utilities

A new front group, Floridians for Affordable Reliable Energy (FARE), launched a campaign on February 26, 2019, to block a Constitutional amendment aimed at breaking up Florida’s investor-owned utilities, such...

/ March 5, 2019
2018 Political Map of the U.S. Governor Races

Analysis: How Electric Utilities and Their Executives Contributed in Nine Governor Races

Utilities Bet on Republicans in Some Close Races, Hedge in Others

/ November 2, 2018

What Andrew Gillum vs Ron DeSantis Means for Clean Energy

On Aug 28th, 2018 Andrew Gillum (D) and Ron DeSantis (R) both shocked the political establishment by winning their respective primaries in the race to be the next Florida Governor....

/ September 11, 2018

Campaign Finance Reports Reveal Utility Industry Again Spending Big This Election Cycle

The nation’s largest electric utilities are pouring money into political action committees and tax-exempt political organizations that work to elect governors, attorney generals and state legislators at an unprecedented rate...

/ July 30, 2018

Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy Boost Political Spending in Florida, Bet Heavily on Republicans

Florida Power & Light (FPL) and Duke Energy are getting an early jump on 2018 political spending compared to the last midterm election, according to records from the Florida Department...

/ April 10, 2018

Utility Industry Contributions to Section 527 Political Organizations

Over 70 investor-owned utility holding companies and their subsidiaries have contributed more than $84 million from 2008 through 2024 to the Republican Governors Association, Republican Attorneys General Association, Republican State Leadership...

/ February 26, 2018

NextEra CEO Jim Robo envisions a renewable future, but his subsidiary FPL remains addicted to gas

Jim Robo, the CEO of NextEra Energy, made news last month during his company’s annual earnings call when he said, “By early in the next decade, as further cost declines...

/ February 26, 2018

Candidate for Florida Governorship Pledges To Stop Accepting Utility Contributions

“It’s time the utilities stop spending money on political candidates and instead protect the residents of this state." - Senator Jack Latvala

/ October 31, 2017

Governor Rick Scott Appoints Former Legislator That Was Critical of Solar to Public Service Commission

Update: On December 4, 2017, Ritch Workman resigned after Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto issued a statement in which she said Workman approached her from behind and “pushed his body up against me and made vulgar...

/ September 28, 2017

After Irma will the Southeast copy post-Sandy rebuild plans?

"This is going to be a very, very lengthy restoration ... what we think we’ll see on the west coast is a wholesale rebuild of our electric grid."

/ September 14, 2017