Tag: Institute for Energy Research / American Energy Alliance

Fueling the Opposition:

Fueling the Opposition How fossil fuel interests are fighting to kill wind and solar farms before they are built Click here to download the full report as a PDF EXECUTIVE...

/ August 5, 2024
Flooding in Norfolk, VA

As floodwaters rise in Southeast, Republicans divide on whether to name climate change as cause

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie's plan to deal with coastal flooding and sea level rise omits any mention of climate change, global warming or greenhouse gases.

/ September 19, 2017
A man charges his electric vehicle

With Kochs Now Attacking Electric Vehicles, Utilities Should Reexamine Their Friends

The Kochs’ funding of anti-EV politics should leave utilities reconsidering their funding of the Koch network. The rift may already be opening in the utility and Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange...

/ September 27, 2016

Peabody Energy Funding Climate Change Denial and Anti-Renewable Campaigns

Analysis of bankruptcy court documents reveals Peabody Energy funding climate denial that span trade associations, lobby groups, and industry front groups.

/ July 11, 2016

Paul Chesser, Fossil Fuel Pundit, Attacks Tech Industry’s Cleantech Investments

The biography of Paul Chesser includes a long list of fossil fuel-backed front groups that he’s currently involved with, which may explain his blatant anti-renewable energy stance.

/ November 12, 2015

Americans For Prosperity Leads Fossil Fuel Front Group Push for Crude Oil Exports, Anti-Renewables Lobbying

The fossil fuel-funded Americans for Prosperity wrote a coalition to Congress signed by 21 front groups calling for the elimination of the oil export ban.

/ November 4, 2015

Charles Koch Distorts the Facts: Here Are The Ways His Money & Political Network Prevent Clean Energy Businesses From Succeeding

The Kochs use their political influence and funding for efforts to repeal laws designed to support the deployment of more renewable electricity.

/ August 28, 2015

Attacks on Clean Power Plan Based on Flawed Reports

This briefing outlines the studies frequently used by special interests, details who has been paid or consulted in the production of these reports, and exposes the front groups involved in...

/ August 25, 2015

The Secret Network of Fossil Fuel & Utility Backed Groups Working to Stop Clean Energy

Energy & Policy Institute's new report exposes the strategies, front groups, and people used by the fossil fuel and utility corporations to attack clean energy policies.

/ July 28, 2015

Attacks on Renewable Energy Policies in 2015

Front groups, fossil fuel interests, and utility companies attacked net metering and renewable energy standards in states across the country in 2015, in an effort to delay the growth of...

/ July 27, 2015