Tag: Institute for Energy Research / American Energy Alliance

The Exelon-Pepco Merger & Exelon’s History of Anti-Clean Energy Lobbying

The Exelon-Pepco merger would empower the company to continue its anti-renewable campaign in Washington, D.C. and Maryland, negatively impact ratepayers, and hinder the growth of the renewable energy industry.

/ April 29, 2015

Atlantic Offshore Drilling Plans Continue: Fossil Fuel Front Groups Meet Privately With Federal Agencies

Update March 15, 2016: The Obama administration said it will not auction off drilling rights for Atlantic Ocean waters off the coast of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. However, the Department of Interior will consider the...

/ November 7, 2014

Koch-Backed American Energy Alliance Releases Misleading Poll

Today, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) released a poll regarding the EPA’s plan to cut carbon emissions, and federal tax credits for clean energy like the wind Production Tax Credit....

/ September 9, 2014