Tag: Southern California Edison
Caught in patchwork of policies and pledges, some utility customers may still be awaiting electricity restoration or racking up fees
A mosaic of state policies and voluntary pledges has meant that the effects of missing a utility payment are playing out unevenly across the country.
Michigan PSC rebuffs ALJ recommendation, allows DTE Energy to force customers to pay EEI dues
When the Michigan Public Service Commission approved a $273.3 million rate increase for DTE Electric earlier this month, renewable energy and environmental advocates were moderately satisfied. The PSC approved an...
Assemblymember Perea’s Energy Bill Pushed by Fossil Fuel Interests Tied to American Legislative Exchange Council
In 2014, California Assembly Bill 1763 would require the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a state energy plan for 2030 and 2050. It is sponsored by Californians for Affordable...