Tag: State Policy Network
The Secret Network of Fossil Fuel & Utility Backed Groups Working to Stop Clean Energy
Energy & Policy Institute's new report exposes the strategies, front groups, and people used by the fossil fuel and utility corporations to attack clean energy policies.
Attacks on Renewable Energy Policies in 2015
Front groups, fossil fuel interests, and utility companies attacked net metering and renewable energy standards in states across the country in 2015, in an effort to delay the growth of...
Release: Fossil Fuel-Funded ALEC Behind Attack Colorado Renewable Energy Standard
The sponsors of the bill are tied to the fossil fuel-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has sought for at least three years to overturn renewable energy standards (RES)...
Beacon Hill Institute EPA Attack Funded Through Richard Berman Front Group
The reports have been released in partnership with industry-funded state think tanks with ties to the Koch brothers and other fossil fuel special interest groups.
Analysis: Americans for Prosperity Anti-Wind Letter, June 2014
Americans for Prosperity spearheaded a letter published as a full page advertisement attacking the production tax credit. Sixty organizations are either funded by fossil fuel interests or have known ties...
Attacks on Renewable Energy Policy by Fossil Fuel Interests 2013-2014
Fossil fuel and utility interests, concerned about the rise of cheap clean energy, are financing attacks on pro-clean energy policies in an effort to delay the growth of their competition...
Michigan Releases Report on Renewable Energy Benefits Amidst Front Group Attacks
The Michigan Public Service Commission released a report detailing how renewable energy is saving consumers money and leading to robust business investment.
After Fossil Fuel Front Group Attacks on Clean Energy Fail, New Model Bill Emerges to Weaken RPS Laws
Members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), including fossil fuel corporations and front groups, will meet in Chicago this week to discuss their next round of attacks on clean...