Tag: Tennessee Valley Authority
Internal documents detail how gas utilities greenwash RNG and hydrogen
Internal documents detail how gas utilities greenwash RNG and hydrogen Internal American Gas Association (AGA) meeting notes from March 2018 reveal that the industry planned to use RNG advocacy as...
FOIA Documents Reveal Tennessee Valley Authority’s Role in the Utility Air Regulatory Group
Newly released documents detail the Tennessee Valley Authority’s relationship with the now-defunct Utility Air Regulatory Group (UARG). Hundreds of emails, calendar invitations, budget documents, and Hunton Andrews Kurth billing details...
Many U.S. electric utilities plan slow decarbonization over next decade, out of sync with Biden plan
“Net-zero” goals proliferate, but speed, integrity of commitments varies greatly
How Market Power Gives Electric Utilities Political Power
John Farrell from the Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR) explains how utilities use political power to block the transition to renewable energy in this guest post.
Georgia Power’s 2019 IRP: Limit Renewables, Lock In Fossil Fuels
The Georgia Public Service Commission began hearings this week on Georgia Power’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which is a long-term plan that many utilities across the country must file...