Consumers Energy-Funded 501(c)(4) Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy Is Active Again, Promoting Specific Candidates
Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy (CEME), a dark money 501(c)(4) that has received at least $43 million from Consumers Energy since 2014, is promoting at least five candidates who are...
FirstEnergy scandal is latest example of utility corruption, deceit
Utilities have deceived public officials and investors to grow profits, occasionally leading to criminal investigations and prosecution.
Michigan’s new PSC members will decide whether DTE electric customers should pay for some NEXUS gas pipeline costs
“DTE ratepayers should not be burdened with the unreasonable and unlawful costs resulting from DTE’s bad deal with its affiliate NEXUS” - Michigan Environmental Council
After its $2.65 billion gas asset acquisition, DTE Energy tells Wall Street there is nothing to worry about as Fitch downgrades the company
With an already troubled gas sector roiled by fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, DTE Energy is facing concerns from shareholders over the company’s growing exposure to natural gas. DTE Midstream,...
As DTE and Consumers Energy Appear to Ignore Industry Suspension Pledge, Michigan PSC Opens Coronavirus Docket and Orders Utilities To Report Current Disconnect Data
Latest available data shows customers possibly without service
Reports find Vectren customers can save millions if renewables replace coal, but utility continues with coal investments
Morgan Stanley and Sierra Club analyses find Vectren has opportunity to benefit customers in upcoming energy plan filings
While Wisconsin residents object to the $700 million Nemadji Trail Energy Center gas plant, their public officials submit supportive comments ghostwritten by industry
As the public comment period for a new natural gas power plant drew to a close last month, several state lawmakers filed comments urging the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to...
WEC Energy Files Application For LNG Peaking Facilities; Emails Show Company Discussed Project With PSC Before Filing
Gas investments may present stranded asset risk
DTE Energy sets net-zero emissions goal by 2050 for electric subsidiary, but gas investments raise doubts about seriousness
“If you don’t have a good pathway to get there you either fail at the goal or do stupid things along the way,” a DTE executive said about utilities' net-zero...
DTE executive tells lawmakers battery storage is not suitable for Michigan as advocates slam its resource plan
Updated on September 10 with a response from DTE Energy DTE Energy has been sharply criticized in recent weeks over its integrated resource plan filing, in which the company proposed...