New Utility PR Playbook Seeks to Mislead Customers on Demand Charges

The nation’s investor-owned electric utilities will attempt to deceive their customers into accepting new electric rate designs that would reduce people’s ability to save money by conserving energy or installing...

/ December 18, 2017

Stan Wise may be gift-wrapping an early Christmas present for Georgia Power at customers’ expense

In an apparent gift to Georgia Power, Public Service Commission Chairman Stan Wise unilaterally decided to speed up the timeline for a decision about whether the monopoly utility could continue...

/ December 12, 2017

Who’s behind a letter asking Congress to end the wind production tax credit?

A new letter asking Congress to end the wind production tax credit has ties to the Institute for Energy Research, a group that has received funding from the fossil fuel...

/ December 11, 2017

FERC Commissioners received free travel to secretive beach conference, organized by FirstEnergy board member

"Private invite-only events that bring together powerful industry executives to mingle off the record with regulators and decision-makers only invites a conflict of interest." - Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen

/ December 8, 2017

How Will Utilities Vote On The Latest Climate Denial Model Resolution At ALEC?

Updated on Dec. 6 to include reference to a letter from the Edison Electric Institute, NRECA, Chevron, Honeywell and UPS expressing concerns about the ALEC resolution.  In a test of...

/ December 4, 2017

ISO New England CEO to headline invite-only fossil fuel industry event

Gordon van Welie, the CEO of ISO New England, will be the keynote speaker at a “Special Invitation Only” event organized by two front groups for oil and natural gas...

/ November 15, 2017
Protesters rallying against Dominion's proposed Atlantic Coast pipeline. Credit: Chesapeake Climate Action Network.

The other big loser in Virginia’s elections was Dominion Energy

At least 14 candidates who pledged not to accept money from Virginia's monopoly utility, Dominion Energy, won seats in a surprise wave election for Democrats.

/ November 8, 2017

Electric utilities working with oil and gas companies on ‘advocacy’ efforts to counter environmentalists

The electric utility industry, through its trade association the Edison Electric Institute, has begun working with three other fossil fuel groups to push back against organizations that oppose increased natural...

/ November 7, 2017

Candidate for Florida Governorship Pledges To Stop Accepting Utility Contributions

“It’s time the utilities stop spending money on political candidates and instead protect the residents of this state." - Senator Jack Latvala

/ October 31, 2017

FirstEnergy floods FERC with ghostwritten comments seeking bailouts for its coal and nuclear power plants

FirstEnergy is behind hundreds of pages of largely ghostwritten comments seeking bailouts for the utility’s failing coal and nuclear power plants that were submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission...

/ October 26, 2017