Todd Wynn, operative for electric utilities and climate denier, the latest industry hire at Department of the Interior

“I think that global warming could be a net benefit for the planet" - Todd Wynn

/ October 19, 2017

Philip Moeller and EEI rejected “unquantifiable benefits” of solar, but loves them for coal and nuclear

The Edison Electric Institute's Phil Moeller is advocating for Rick Perry's plan to pay coal and nuclear plants for their external benefits. For rooftop solar, he's argued for the opposite.

/ October 6, 2017

Who’s behind overblown claims about Fort Drum and wind farms?

Updated on October 5, 2017: We’ve updated this post with some additional information about the roles of anti-wind operative John Droz and the Koch-backed Institute for Energy Research.   Fort Drum in...

/ October 2, 2017

Coal and utility interests ask for, receive, bailouts to help failing power plants

"You can’t see the gas lines. You can’t see wind. You can’t see solar. So maybe we need to talk about having a requirement for power plants in order to...

/ October 2, 2017

George David Banks: Trump’s climate advisor worked with anti-wind and climate skeptic groups

George David Banks, a top advisor to President Trump on climate change, once worked as the “D.C. liaison” for the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED), a coalition of “individuals,...

/ September 28, 2017

Governor Rick Scott Appoints Former Legislator That Was Critical of Solar to Public Service Commission

Update: On December 4, 2017, Ritch Workman resigned after Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto issued a statement in which she said Workman approached her from behind and “pushed his body up against me and made vulgar...

/ September 28, 2017
Flooding in Norfolk, VA

As floodwaters rise in Southeast, Republicans divide on whether to name climate change as cause

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie's plan to deal with coastal flooding and sea level rise omits any mention of climate change, global warming or greenhouse gases.

/ September 19, 2017

Utility lobbyist praises response to Hurricane Irma power outages in the media

A lobbyist for Consumer Energy Alliance-Florida praised several utilities for their response to Hurricane Irma in a letter to the editor published by, but did not disclose that some...

/ September 15, 2017

Decades before Harvey and Irma, electric utilities knew climate change could fuel more powerful storms and still funded denial

A 1987 study sponsored by the electric utility industry warned that climate change could one day fuel more powerful storms, some thirty years before hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Despite this...

/ September 14, 2017

After Irma will the Southeast copy post-Sandy rebuild plans?

"This is going to be a very, very lengthy restoration ... what we think we’ll see on the west coast is a wholesale rebuild of our electric grid."

/ September 14, 2017