EPA webpage that rejected climate denial is removed by Trump administration

An EPA webpage that rejected climate denial claims and defended the endangerment finding for greenhouse gas emissions has been removed by the Trump administration. It’s just one of many pages...

/ May 1, 2017

Southern Company CEO and Edison Electric Institute Chairman Tom Fanning’s Climate Change Denial

In the month since Tom Fanning, the CEO of Southern Company and current chairman of the Edison Electric Institute, said that carbon dioxide was not a primary contributor to global...

/ April 30, 2017

EIA’s assumptions short-change clean energy, and are frequently wrong

Every year, energy nerds breathlessly await the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA’s) Annual Energy Outlook (AEO). As my previous post explained, the AEO is critical because U.S. utilities, as well...

/ April 27, 2017

Rick Perry: Trump may try to preempt state renewable energy policies

Rick Perry said yesterday that the Trump administration is having “very classified” conversations about preempting state and local support for renewable energy under the pretense of national security. Perry’s remarks...

/ April 26, 2017

What If The Marcellus Shale Gas Play Doesn’t Pan Out?

For the gas industry and some utilities that are racing to build as much gas infrastructure as possible, there’s a lot riding on a shale gas ‘play’ known as the...

/ April 25, 2017

Three HUGE Utilities Donated to Donald Trump’s Inauguration

President Donald Trump's inaugural committee raised a record $106.7 million - twice as much money as any other inauguration.

/ April 20, 2017

Dominion Bets Big on Establishment Candidates Northam, Gillespie in Virginia Gov Race

Dominion's executives, lobbyists, board members and PAC have given $113,000 to Democrat Ralph Northam and his PAC, and $43,000 to Republican Ed Gillespie and his PAC.

/ April 19, 2017

Florida Power & Light drafted sections of “Florida Distributed Solar Equipment Consumer Protection Act”

Florida Power & Light drafted language that ended up in a Florida legislator’s bill and would restrict the adoption of solar power in Florida, according an email exchange that the Energy...

/ April 6, 2017
Rob Powelson, a Pennsylvania PUC Commissioner and possible FERC nominee, poses for the cover of the American Gas Association magazine

Rumored FERC appointee Rob Powelson has shown deep allegiance to gas industry

Rob Powelson, reported to be one of President Trump’s nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, would enter the job with a track record that casts doubt on whether he...

/ April 6, 2017

Ohio House debates renewable energy and misinformation abounds

The Ohio House of Representatives just debated and passed another bill to rollback the state’s renewable energy portfolio standard. Proponents of the bill – HB 114 – engaged in misleading...

/ March 31, 2017