Tag: ohio valley electric corporation

EPA building

Utilities, once represented by UARG, now part of the ‘Electric Generators for a Sensible Transition’ in their suit against the EPA

A new ad hoc coalition of electric utilities has sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its newly proposed rules to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal and new...

/ June 11, 2024

American Electric Power-backed dark money group spent over $1.5 million in 2020

Empowering Ohio’s Economy, a group funded solely by American Electric Power, contributed more than $1.5 million to dark money groups in 2020, according to the organization’s tax filings. The source...

/ November 22, 2021

SEC subpoenas American Electric Power for House Bill 6 documents

Plus: Mike DeWine’s calendars reveal meetings with leaders from AEP and an AEP-backed dark money group during the final weeks of DeWine’s 2018 campaign for governor American Electric Power disclosed...

/ June 9, 2021
Kyger Creek Power Plant

Many U.S. electric utilities plan slow decarbonization over next decade, out of sync with Biden plan

“Net-zero” goals proliferate, but speed, integrity of commitments varies greatly

/ December 1, 2020
AEP logo

AEP contributed to dark money group that gave money to Generation Now

Update: AEP has acknowledged funding Empowering Ohio's Economy, a dark money organization that contributed to Generation Now

/ July 24, 2020

Utilities gave $320K to Ohio House members who voted for bailout bill

Members of the Ohio House who voted in favor of a bill to bail out uncompetitive coal and nuclear power plants received over $320,000 in campaign money from four utilities...

/ June 26, 2019

Anti-wind activist who backed nuclear bailout bill tied to FirstEnergy

An anti-wind power activist who testified in support of a bill to bail out FirstEnergy Solutions’ nuclear power plants in Ohio did not disclose that he’s worked for the same...

/ May 28, 2019