Category: Articles

WEC Energy’s We Energies Foundation contributed $2 million to Republican National Convention

The utility previously declined to reveal its contribution

/ September 18, 2024

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance PACs raked in millions from gas industry megadonors Karen Buchwald Wright and Thomas Rastin 

Ariel Corporation chairman and her spouse have also opposed new solar farms in Ohio Gas industry megadonor couple Karen Buchwald Wright and Thomas Rastin together contributed at least $2.4 million...

/ August 14, 2024

Missouri utility regulator urged Governor Parson to prevent detailed disconnection reporting

Commissioner Kayla Hahn, Chair of the Missouri PSC, asked her former boss, Governor Mike Parson, to deny a proposed rule four years in the making because it required utilities to...

/ August 13, 2024

As Customers Struggled, Utility CEOs’ Pay Spiked Last Year

While many Americans saw their energy bills go up substantially in the past year, investor-owned electric and gas utilities and the country’s largest publicly owned utility paid their CEOs over...

/ July 18, 2024
EPA building

Utilities, once represented by UARG, now part of the ‘Electric Generators for a Sensible Transition’ in their suit against the EPA

A new ad hoc coalition of electric utilities has sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its newly proposed rules to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal and new...

/ June 11, 2024

Legislation introduced by Rep. Kathy Castor instructs FERC to ban utilities from using ratepayer dollars for political activities

The “Ethics in Energy Act” also aims to increase transparency and add penalties for noncompliance

/ August 2, 2023

American Gas Association Facebook campaign targets agency exploring health risks of gas stoves

Consumer Product Safety Commission docket flooded with AGA comments

/ May 23, 2023
DTE Energy set a net-zero carbon goal but continues to invest in gas

New Michigan front group with connections to DTE Energy launches ahead of the elections

Protect Our Values, a new dark money front group with connections to DTE Energy appears to be preparing to send messages to voters this election season. Protect Our Values was...

/ July 5, 2022
Utility Corruption

FERC issues Notice of Inquiry to understand how it can protect customers from subsidizing trade association political activities

Federal energy regulators issued questions to the public last week as part of a process they may use to make it more difficult for the nation’s electric and gas utilities...

/ December 20, 2021