Category: Edison Electric Institute

How Will Utilities Vote On The Latest Climate Denial Model Resolution At ALEC?

Updated on Dec. 6 to include reference to a letter from the Edison Electric Institute, NRECA, Chevron, Honeywell and UPS expressing concerns about the ALEC resolution.  In a test of...

/ December 4, 2017

Electric utilities working with oil and gas companies on ‘advocacy’ efforts to counter environmentalists

The electric utility industry, through its trade association the Edison Electric Institute, has begun working with three other fossil fuel groups to push back against organizations that oppose increased natural...

/ November 7, 2017

Philip Moeller and EEI rejected “unquantifiable benefits” of solar, but loves them for coal and nuclear

The Edison Electric Institute's Phil Moeller is advocating for Rick Perry's plan to pay coal and nuclear plants for their external benefits. For rooftop solar, he's argued for the opposite.

/ October 6, 2017

Coal and utility interests ask for, receive, bailouts to help failing power plants

"You can’t see the gas lines. You can’t see wind. You can’t see solar. So maybe we need to talk about having a requirement for power plants in order to...

/ October 2, 2017

Decades before Harvey and Irma, electric utilities knew climate change could fuel more powerful storms and still funded denial

A 1987 study sponsored by the electric utility industry warned that climate change could one day fuel more powerful storms, some thirty years before hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Despite this...

/ September 14, 2017

Utility Industry Third-Parties Emerge in Utah to Defend Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Solar Fees

The Utah state Public Service Commission delayed hearings over Rocky Mountain Power’s proposed new fees on rooftop solar customers until the week of September 18 as parties continue their settlement...

/ August 25, 2017

How Central Maine Power killed a popular pro-rooftop solar bill

Central Maine Power used its money and political influence to kill a pro-rooftop solar bill that was supported by a majority of state legislators, with the help of Governor Paul...

/ August 21, 2017

Utility Companies Quick To Fund Republican Governors and Attorneys General in 2017

The nation’s investor-owned utilities have been quick to help Republican governors and attorneys general maintain and expand their control of state capitals, according to a review of mid-year campaign finance...

/ August 8, 2017

Utilities Knew: Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change From 1968-2017

Scientists had begun to warn electric utilities about climate change by 1968, and by 1988 the industry’s official research and development organization had acknowledged that, “There is growing consensus in...

/ July 25, 2017