Bankrupt FirstEnergy Solutions spends millions on bailout campaigns in Ohio and Pennsylvania
Updated on July 22, 2019 with the latest available information on spending on outside lobbying and communications by FirstEnergy Solutions. Bankruptcy documents reveal that FirstEnergy Solutions has spent millions of...
Georgia Power’s 2019 IRP: Limit Renewables, Lock In Fossil Fuels
The Georgia Public Service Commission began hearings this week on Georgia Power’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which is a long-term plan that many utilities across the country must file...
DTE Energy aims to continue its gas buildout as it proposes to leave coal by 2040
DTE Energy announced a plan to retire its coal-fired power plants by 2040 on Friday, but the utility is preserving the option to build more gas-burning power plants while the...
Dukeplicity on PURPA
Duke Energy is arguing that its monopoly utility in Florida should only have to buy electricity from renewable energy projects in two-year contracts, while its unregulated subsidiary that develops renewable...
Utility Front Group ‘Michigan Energy Promise’ Emerges to Rally DTE Energy Foundation Recipients to Target Solar Industry
Michigan Energy Promise, a new front group with strong ties to the Michigan monopoly utility, DTE Energy, recently began backing the utility’s arguments against rooftop solar power. The group’s appearance...
New Front Group, Floridians for Affordable Reliable Energy, Emerges to Fight for Monopoly Utilities
A new front group, Floridians for Affordable Reliable Energy (FARE), launched a campaign on February 26, 2019, to block a Constitutional amendment aimed at breaking up Florida’s investor-owned utilities, such...
Acme Equities wants to add expensive carbon capture to distressed coal plant
Acme Equities wants to install expensive carbon capture technology on the already too costly San Juan Generating Station.
Acme Equities: who is the hedge fund trying to buy a teetering New Mexico coal plant?
Acme Equities, a mysterious hedge fund with no experience in the power sector, is vying to buy a New Mexico coal plant slated for closure.
Major solar project in Spotsylvania targeted by climate skeptics, fossil fuel interests
A 500 megawatt solar project in Spotsylvania County, Virginia has drawn attacks from climate skeptics, fossil fuel interests, and right-wing news outlets. The Spotsylvania Solar Energy Center, developed by sPower,...