APS Ramps Up Spending To $10 Million To Prevent Voters from Seeing Clean Energy Initiative on Ballot
Update: On August 21, EPI published an update to this article to note the $3,512,000 Pinnacle West contributed to Arizonans For Affordable Electricity from July 1 to August 11. The...
Legislators who pushed APS’ agenda against renewables got rewarded with campaign contributions, new filings show
Utility PAC also spent big on federal and local races
APS attributes LA blackouts to renewable energy, echoing bogus claim that even the renewables critic who made it walked back
Over the weekend, temperatures topped 100 degrees in Southern California (just as they did in several locations around the world), causing problems for the electric distribution system, which resulted in...
Revolving door swings former AZ utility commissioner Bob Stump back into the arms of APS
Stump's new trade association will represent Arizona utilities in front of his former colleagues at the ACC.
Updated: Arizona Corporation Commission Executive Director resigns in latest scandal
Report: Forese actually fired Vogt because he was standing up to APS' interests; wife's work for Veridus was convenient excuse
Fossil fuel and utility interests target Richard Cordray and Mike DeWine with campaign cash in Ohio governor’s race
Republican Mike DeWine continues to raise the most money from fossil fuel and utility interests in Ohio’s race for governor, but Democrat Richard Cordray has also received campaign contributions from...
FOIAs reveal FirstEnergy meeting with Rick Perry, 30+ corporate jet flights to D.C. since Trump’s inauguration
New details about FirstEnergy’s lobbying of the Trump administration and corporate airplane flights to Washington, D.C., can be found in documents obtained via FOIAs filed with the Department of Energy...
Consumers Energy contributed $43.5 million over four years to Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy
But that’s not what Citizens for Energizing Michigan’s Economy reports on their IRS 990 - so where’s the money?
Entergy misled New Orleans City Council, rewarded with $210 million gas plant
Entergy misled New Orleans City Council about the viability of alternatives such as energy efficiency and battery storage to its controversial gas plant, even after being required to perform specific...