Polluters’ Lesser Known Strategy To Fight EPA CO2 Rules
Recent articles have revealed how industry groups have asked the Trump administration to significantly change the rescinded Clean Power Plan by pursuing only an “inside-the-fence” approach. The Obama administration knew...
Utility Earnings Calls Further Shows the Conflict of Nuclear and Coal Versus Natural Gas
"We need to make sure that our customers get electricity even in the event of a long-term disruption of the natural gas pipeline system." - Exelon's Joseph Dominguez
Utility Companies Quick To Fund Republican Governors and Attorneys General in 2017
The nation’s investor-owned utilities have been quick to help Republican governors and attorneys general maintain and expand their control of state capitals, according to a review of mid-year campaign finance...
Utilities Fiddle While Arizona Burns
As the temperature climbs, Arizona's utilities keep investing in fossil fuels that exacerbate climate change and present cost risks to customers.
Utility Industry Set To Get Another Ally Inside The Trump Administration
Mark Menezes has spent decades working in the electric utility industry, mostly alongside corporate lobbying teams.
NYT Digs Into Utilities’ Efforts To Slow Down Rooftop Solar
Utilities will keep attacking rooftop solar, sometimes using customers' money to do it. But in the long run, they cannot win.
Emails show Wisconsin Commissioner Nowak’s relationship with utility industry players
Wisconsin Public Service Commissioner Ellen Nowak attended several private events at the behest of groups funded by the Koch Brothers and utility interests in 2016, according to documents obtained by...
AEP proposes to hike fixed charges in latest affront to low income customers
AEP Ohio’s proposal to increase fixed charges would hurt low-income customers, the same people this powerful electric utility pretends to represent when it attacks clean energy policies, and fits into...
Mississippi Regulators Veto Any More Money for Southern Company’s Kemper Plant in Stunning Vote
Mississippi regulators slammed brakes on the Kemper plant, saying customers should not pay for Kemper's non-functional "clean coal" gasification technology.
PR Firm behind American Gas Association front group also member and consultant for Edison Electric Institute
The nation’s largest electric utilities have been relying on a political consulting shop to portray their efforts to attack rooftop solar as having support from the “grassroots” for at least...