FirstEnergy Shareholders Vote Against Proposal for Disclosure of Lobbying Activities and Membership Payments
The shareholder activist stated the inadequate disclosure by FirstEnergy, combined with its active lobbying against the Clean Power Plan, present significant risks to investors.
Duke Energy Shareholders Reject Proposal for Disclosure of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures
Sisters of two Catholic religious orders that own Duke Energy stock want full disclosure of lobbying activities, but the board and shareholders rejected the proposal.
Indiana Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Secrecy
Indiana Supreme Court ruled that the legislature is governed by the Access to Public Records Act but declined to force lawmakers to follow it - allowing communication between lobbyists and...
Global Investors Warn Utilities to Change Business Strategy and Prepare for Climate Change
Now that countries have signed the Paris Agreement, global investors are warning utility companies that they must now act.
Yes on 1 for the Sun: The Anti-Solar Ballot Initiative from Utilities and Fossil Fuel Interests
The Koch Brothers and utility-funded Consumers for Smart Solar unveiled its amendment ballot campaign, Yes on 1 for the Sun, to restrict the solar market in Florida.
NextEra Energy Shareholder Resolution on Sea Level Rise Advances
Shareholders have proposed a resolution to NextEra Energy, Inc. that would require the corporation to report material risks and costs of sea level rise scenarios projecting forward to 2100.
Utility Funded Consumers for Smart Solar Ballot Approved by Florida Supreme Court
The Florida Supreme Court approved the utility-funded Consumers for Smart Solar ballot for the 2016 election.
Public Interest Groups Call on Executive Nominations Committee to Reject Michael Richard’s Appointment Over Communications between Michael Richard and Governor Hogan’s Office
The emails demonstrate that in just the first month of his appointment, Michael Richard, coordinated with his previous office on matters both confidential and restricted.
Co-founder and CEO of Harpoon Brewery Behind Efforts to Block Solar in Massachusetts
Associated Industries of Massachusetts has stepped up its lobbying efforts targeting the pro-solar policies in the state.
The Koch Brothers ‘Hijacking’ of American Democracy
The Koch Brothers have leveraged their business empire to shape the political system in the mold of their own agendas while simultaneously capturing the Republican Party and along with it,...