The Real Cost of Coal Exports and Fossil Fuels
Coal mining companies such as Peabody Energy are trying to boost exports of publicly owned coal to Asia

Donors Trust: The Secret Group Funding Attacks on Clean Energy & Climate Science
New research shows almost $120 million flowed from two secretive groups, called “Donors Trust” and “Donors Capital” to 102 groups denying climate science and attacking clean energy. The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg reports...
Fracking Scandal Hits Cuomo Administration
Newly Disclosed Documents Show Conflicts of Interest
ALEC Attacks Clean Energy Standards: Ohio & Virginia
Over the past couple weeks, fossil fuel interests and their allies have ramped up attacks on clean energy on the state level. As the Washington Post reported in November, the American Legislative Exchange...
Coalition Sends Letter to Duke Energy CEO: Drop ALEC
A coalition of democracy advocates sent a letter to Jim Rogers, Chairman, President and CEO of Duke Energy Corporation, to drop his company’s affiliation with the American Legislative Exchange Council...
Confidential Documents Reveal Fossil Fuel-Funded Organizations Coordinating With Local Anti-Wind Groups
Network of fossil fuel funded organizations secretly coordinated campaign to turn the American public against wind farms